FREE Worldwide Shipping on ALL Orders Over €100
Orders are shipped from Monday to Friday, normally within 48hours from time of purchase.
You will receive an email receipt immediately after purchase. You will receive a second email as soon as your order has been shipped, this email will also include your UPS tracking number.
Estimated Delivery Times ( we are fast! )
Shipped with UPS – normally takes between 24 hours to anywhere in the country
Shipped with UPS – normally takes between 24 hours to 4 days depending on the country
Shipped with UPS
24-48 hours to the East Coast
48-72 hours to the West Coast
Rest of the World
Shipped with UPS – normally takes 4 to 6 days depending on the country.
babaà ships from inside the European Union. Customs and import duties depend on your country’s trading relationship with the EU. As customs can vary from country to country we advise you check your own country’s import status if you are unsure.
By way of example;
EU member states: No import duties
USA: No import duties on orders below $800(USD) in declared value
UK: babaà now pays all import duties and taxes for our UK customers, so you will no longer be liable for any extra charges or delays.
If your country does charge import duties on items imported from the EU, our courier (UPS) will contact you and arrange payment directly inside your country.